Annemieke Nijhof - Managing director Deltares

Delivering impact

We are constantly challenging ourselves to deliver impact. We push ourselves to create high quality work and to make an impact on society by drawing on the power of our knowledge. For us, this means creating and applying sound knowledge on water and the subsurface, so that we can keep our densely populated deltas habitable, sustainable, and safe - both now and in the future, in the Netherlands and throughout the world. The challenges facing society are huge and complex, and they require an integrated, systemic approach in which we transform in-depth knowledge into comprehensive insights.

We are eager to continue co-creating with others, so that we can make a positive contribution to innovative solutions that improve life in deltas. Collaborating with our partners, other knowledge organisations, and clients. We will also continue our dialogue with you on developing a relevant knowledge base, addressing the right questions, and creating a positive societal impact through an inclusive knowledge uptake.

Delivering on impact also means communicating more explicitly. For instance, on the development of impact pathways to show the concrete steps in working towards impact. We are continuously learning how we can do better and invite you to continue the dialogue and learn with us.

This is our second Impact Report. In it we present 19 stories that illustrate how our activities help us make an impact. We have linked our mission-driven activities to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Dutch national missions, so that we can demonstrate our targeted contribution.

Explore our stories

Annemieke Nijhof - Managing director Deltares

Dutch national missions

Klimaatbestendig landelijk gebied: voorkomen van wateroverlast en watertekort

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Waterrobuust en klimaatbestendig
stedelijk gebied

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Verbeteren waterkwaliteit

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Duurzame Noordzee

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Duurzame rivieren, meren en intergetijdengebieden

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Verduurzamen en kostenbeheersing uitvoeringsprojecten waterbeheer

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Aanpassen aan versnelde zeespiegel-
stijging en toenemende weersextremen

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Nederland Digitaal Waterland

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Energie uit Water

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events


Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events


Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and well-being

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Clean water and sanitation

Understanding delta system reponse to climate change

Making better trade-offs for sustainable use of water resources

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Afforable and clean energy

Utilizing water and subsurface resources in heat transition

Upscaling offshore wind energy production

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Dealing with uncertainty and risk in infrastructure development

Preventing water and subsurface relted damage in the built environment

Realising climate neutral sediment management

Working towards resilient infrastructure networks

Sustainable cities and communities

Nature based solutions for enhancing urban resilience

Understanding and predicting extreme flooding

Effective and equitable flood risk management plans

Preventing water and subsurface related damage in the built environment

Climate action

Utilizing solution space for climate adaptation

Nature based solutions for enhancig urban resilience

Understanding and predicting extreme flooding

Better protection against flooding

Actionable disaster warning systems

Realising climate neutral sediment management

Working towards resilient infrastructure networks

Life below water

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Understanding delta system response to climate change

Improving ecosystem functioning to enhance biodiversity

Life on land

Water and subsurface as a basis for spatial planning

Dealing with land subsidence

Increasing preparedness for drought events

Improving ecosystem functioning to enhance biodiversity

Partnerships for the goals

Effective and equitable flood risk management plans

Making better trade-offs for sustainable use of water resources